Who Is Hiring and Who Is Struggling and Why?

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Who Is Hiring and Who Is Struggling and Why?

Some businesses have resumed hiring amidst the pandemic, while others are still struggling. Find out who is and isn’t hiring now.

The workforce is quite frankly a mess, right now. While some manufacturers are hiring daily, others are freezing jobs or shutting down.

Since the Covid-19 pandemic began, the supply chain is experiencing major shifts. If you are searching for a job, we will take a closer look at who is hiring, and who is laying off.

Food Industry

Yes restaurants have taken a beating this year but the food manufacturing industry is still way up and that is because of home cooking and grocery stores. Grocery stores have been the busiest stores in town, often being one of the only places that have stayed open. 

In many states, restaurants have only been allowed to have outdoor dining or take-out food. The need for Covid-safe items such as individually wrapped condiments and utensils meant that their need for paper products and plasticware has increased dramatically.

We are also looking at a major shift in the farming of produce and meat/ dairy production. Fresh, frozen, and all other forms of farmed foods have been in demand, with farmers struggling to keep up.

Meat processing, Ready-To-Eat, Ready-To-Cook, Frozen Meals, snack foods and canned foods have all seen a major increase in hiring.  They cannot hire people quick enough to keep up with demand.

Paper Product Manufacturers

Anything to do with paper product manufacturing is booming right now. With more people at home, every retail store was sold out of toilet paper for at least the first month of the pandemic. Food packaging materials including labels, boxes, and even the paper packets that individual servings of sugar are being produced in unprecedented quantities.

Cleaner and Sanitizer

With the rise in demand for sanitation and disinfectant products, cleaning solution manufacturers have been working overtime to try to keep up. They have automated there packaging equipment and still they cannot catch up to the demand. 

PPE Factories

As anyone may have guessed, PPE (personal protection equipment) manufacturers are very busy, and have been steadily hiring for the past year, or so. Masks are still required to enter into most businesses and workplaces, and disposable ones are flying off of the production line. Unicef has shipped out millions alone.


Since the release of the Covid-19 vaccines, the demand for refrigeration and dry ice has skyrocketed. The vaccines must be kept cold and at a steady temperature. Vaccination locations with on-site coolers, and portable solutions to get the medicine there have been developed and manufactured in addition to the normal refrigeration production for homes and businesses.

Auto Parts

For all of these products to get transported, and for the staff to get to work we need auto parts. Automotive and their manufacturing industries have had some of the highest numbers in job freezes and layoffs. Parts for vehicle fleets are back-ordered which in turn has delayed many other things, and created change within the transportation world.

Who Is Struggling, and Who Is Hiring

In general, manufacturers of all sorts have had a fluctuation in business and hiring. Food, beverage, paper, cleaners, PPE and refrigeration companies are hiring for all levels from operators to managers and are looking to find the right talent to help them automate and improve efficiencies.  Meanwhile automotive, CNC, metal fabrication, aerospace and related industries are struggling and laying off

The increase of online sales vs in-store purchases has also made a huge difference. The good news is that most companies report that they expect a positive change on the horizon.

Finding a Job

These industries are just some of the ones going through hiring freezes and hiring surges. The entire world has gone through major changes since the pandemic began. If you are interested in following the industrial revolution further check out JSK Recruiting’s website for blogs, hints on who is hiring, news, and more.