Getting Started: Second Quarter Hiring Needs in the Manufacturing Industry

A female warehouse worker in safety vest and hard hat emblazoned with the JSK Recruiting logo smiles and shoots a thumbs-up while holding an electronic inventory scanner.

Second Quarter Hiring Needs in the Manufacturing Industry

Curious what your second quarter manufacturing industry hiring needs are? Click here to learn the things you’ll need to do to assemble a great team.

Is your company experiencing a talent panic as you enter the second quarter? Are you feeling the skill gap that comes from your experienced employees and those just entering the field?

Companies across the industry are experiencing this very same fear.

With manufacturing companies employing 8.51% of the workforce, it’s essential to keep your vital industry producing its goods.

While the outlook may seem grim, don’t let the odds get you down! Read on to find out how you can ramp up your manufacturing industry hiring campaigns in the second quarter to set your company up for success.

Why Is Talent so Hard to Find in the Manufacturing Industry?

As the workforce is quickly shifting, it’s vital to rethink what your company needs from its employees. Younger generations are facing a skill-to-wage gap, making it challenging to find careers that can support their lifestyle.

This gap is hitting the manufacturing industry because those entering the workforce tend to favor careers in less labor-intensive roles. But, as new talent comes to the workforce, the industry should shift to cater to this new pool of talent.

Don’t narrow your playing field by being ultra-specific about your requirements. Consider broadening your search, so you look at the person rather than their documentation.

Get Creative with Recruitment

When it comes to recruiting new talent, what are you doing to entice new employees to join your team?

How creative is your approach, and what are some recruitment best practices you can implement to boost the number of applications you receive?

How Are You Advertising Open Positions?

Consider advertising across several different platforms for greater penetration.

Be Specific About Your Needs

Be specific, but also be flexible about what you would LIKE them to have. Making these points clear and separate can boost the confidence of potential applicants. You may be experiencing a large skill gap between your current employees and your candidates, but look at this as an opportunity to train new employees to fit what your company needs.

Follow-up With Applicants

After they’ve applied let the know you received their application, and let them know whether or not you will be moving forward with them. If you won’t, let them know WHY so they can fine-tune their skills and potentially come back at a later date.

Don’t Just Focus on the Work

Make a point to talk about the culture, work-life balance, benefits, and other exciting features your company could provide.

How Can You Find Success in the Second Quarter?

When it’s time to start hiring new talent, it can be tricky to try out new things as you start the process.

Don’t focus on specific skills, credentials, and certificates. Focus on the basics they should have and what they can learn on the job.

Get to know the person behind the resume. What is their long-term plan, and what can they offer the manufacturing industry? Do your required skills match the rate of pay? Applicants who may be less skilled but highly interest may come at a greater, long term value.

For more information on recruiting best practices, contact us today!