But My Bonus! Should You Quit Your Job in December or January?

A young woman viewed from above has her head in her hands at her desk, strewn with datebooks, a laptop, phone and glasses.

But My Bonus! Should You Quit Your Job in December or January?

Your heart says go. But your mind says wait for your bonus. So which one do you listen to? Should you quit your job in December or January? Read this first!

Are you looking for a change of professional scenery?

If you’ve wanted to quit your job for a while, it gets hard and harder as time goes by to actually take the plunge. That’s why you’ve just got to pull the chute sometimes. We know what you’re thinking, though, should you quit your job before or after the holidays?

Today, we will examine that question a little further. On one hand, if you wait it out, you’ll get your year-end bonus. On the other hand, if you quit now, you can get a head start on finding a great new job in the new year.

It’s a bit of a conundrum, but fortunately for you, we can help. 

How Do You Know It’s Time to Quit?

There are many telltale signs that let you know it’s probably time to move on from a job. In a perfect world, you can have something lined up when you put in your 2 weeks’ notice, but that’s not always possible.

Whether it’s because you had a falling out with your boss or another coworker, or you just dread getting up and going in every day, you should always take these feelings seriously. You don’t want to have your quality of life negatively altered because of your workplace.

It’s not easy to do, though. Especially at the end of the year with the holidays coming up and bonuses being given out, the incentive to stick around for a bit longer might seem too high. You have to consider what you value.

When Should You Quit Your Job?

There are perks and pitfalls to quitting in December and January. Some would say, the sooner you can get out of a toxic work environment, the better. Once you’re free, you can take job searching more seriously and there’s a lot of evidence to say that December is one of the best times to find a new job.

A lot of companies experience this end-of-year-exodus, so there are often more opportunities available in December. Because of job vacancies and leftover budget money, companies are ready to hire so they can start fresh in the new year. Things also slow down a lot in December, so there’s more time to look for new hires.

On the other hand, if you wait until January, you can go into the holiday period with your full income and you might even get a bonus. Christmas time is hard on your wallet, so it’s great to be able to use the bonus money on holiday festivities instead of your savings.

Finding a New Job Doesn’t Have to Be Hard

If there’s no question of should you quit your job or not, then all you need to do is decide when you’re going to do it. There’s a lot of evidence that December is a better time to look for a new job, but you have to consider your savings and how much your bonus might be before making that decision.

To jumpstart your job search, visit us at JSK Recruiting. Our job board is full of employment opportunities in the supply chain, management, and maintenance sectors, so you can find the perfect job and start anew in 2020.