A Guide to the Labor Shortage in the Manufacturing Industry

A person in yellow gloves working on an industrial machine.

A Guide to the Labor Shortage in the Manufacturing Industry

If you are looking to get into the manufacturing industry, then now is the time. This is how a labor shortage has created thousands of job opportunities.

The labor shortage in the manufacturing industry is real, and Covid-19 contributed to much of the problem. The worker shortage is only expected to increase in the coming years. 

As the world rebounds from the coronavirus, it will take a while for things to gain steam. There are many factors about why there is a labor shortage. There’s no single answer or problem.  

Here is a guide to the labor shortage in the manufacturing industry. 

The Labor Shortage and Hiring Issues

When the world shut down at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, factories closed and sent workers home. Some never came back to work in the manufacturing industry. 

Many also blame pandemic-level unemployment benefits that kept many people home. The federal government gave unemployed workers an extra $300 per week and did not require proof of looking for work. Those federal benefits will end in September. 

With a growing labor demand, many companies increased their starting wages and added bonuses to attract workers. The increased competition and everyone hiring simultaneously also contributed to the labor shortage. 

Hiring during the pandemic is also different. Many employers are not doing in-person interviews for new jobs. Employers are also willing to offer more training for skills needed to perform a job.

Hesitancy in Getting Back to Work

Most manufacturing jobs don’t allow people to work at home. Many parents found themselves choosing between going back to work or spending their day monitoring virtual school. 

Some people also did not want to leave the house, contract Covid-19, and then infect a high-risk loved one. 

Those with underlying health conditions also feared leaving home to avoid contracting the coronavirus.  

People Changed Jobs

Many people changed jobs during the pandemic, and many won’t return to their old jobs. 

With employers offering bonuses and more attractive benefits, many workers jumped ship. Others decided they liked working from home. Still, others became their own entrepreneurs. 

In April 2021, the U.S. Labor Department found 4 million quit their jobs. Labor experts are calling it ‘The Great Resignation’ as people found better employment situations. 

Many people decided the ‘new routine’ in a post-pandemic world suited their lifestyle and financial situation. 

Fixing the Problem

Going forward, many employers are finding they must make concessions and better accommodate employees. Better benefits and wellness packages might be part of that solution. 

Employees will find better jobs through recruiters, and employers will get better employees. They often know of many jobs not posted elsewhere. 

Employers should also be expanding hiring talent pools. With more remote workers, employers no longer have a geographic area to choose from. Don’t also forget about internal candidates. 

The Manufacturing Industry Labor Shortage 

Covid-19 created a multi-faceted labor shortage. Hiring issues, hesitancy getting back to work, and people changing jobs are some of the factors. Moving ahead, employers will likely find new ways to attract talent. 

Contact us about where to find the best manufacturing jobs in the industry.