Job Hunting in December and What COVID Has Changed: What To Know

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Job Hunting in December and What COVID Has Changed: What To Know

Are you wondering how COVID has changed the process of job hunting, especially in the winter months? Learn more about it here.

Did you know that there are a million fewer workers in the US than there are job openings? There were 8.6 million job seekers and 10 million job openings in 2021.

What does this mean for you?

If you are job hunting, you have less competition and you are more likely to be successful in your job search, even though it’s unprecedented times. 

Let’s read on to see some things that are different during the pandemic that could be a boost to your job hunt and help you find that dream job faster. 

Job Hunting Is Now Completely Online

Some might look at this as a disadvantage because recruiters can’t see you face-to-face and you can’t gauge their reactions and body language as perfectly as you would if you were in their office. But it can also be seen as an advantage. 

You don’t have to hurry all over town trying to get to your interview on time, pay for parking, and find the business while trying not to spill anything on your pristine suit. You can be relaxed and rest easy, as you sit in your room, with your notes in front of you, to access whenever necessary. 

This also means that you can do many more interviews than you would normally do, as you can schedule them one after another, without worrying about driving from one office to another. 

Senior Executives Will Be In on Your Job Interview

Because a lot of job interviews are now online, you will notice that senior executives that would normally have never even thought about attending a job interview, are in on the deal now. They will either be sitting to the side gathering impressions or be in on the interview asking questions and making judgments on your answers. 

Don’t be nervous about this. Think of this as a good thing as you can figure out if you like the senior team and if they are someone you would want to work for. 

Have a 60-Second Elevator Pitch To Leave an Impression

Don’t forget that your interview team is probably speaking to dozens of other people in one day, as they try to fill the open position. You need to leave them with a 1-2 sentence elevator pitch that tells them exactly why they should hire you for this position and not someone else. This way you can leave this tidbit in their mind and ensure they never forget why you are the best person for the job.

Job Hunting Still Requires as Much Prep as Before

No matter if everything else in the world has changed drastically, job hunting still requires as much preparation and work as it did before. There are some changes to the job search process, but not quite as many as you would imagine. 

If you are looking for a recruiter who can help you with your job hunt, contact JSK Recruiting. They are always on hand to help you with your job search and to answer any questions you might have before, during, or after your job placement.