Giving Notice with a Plan: Resigning from Your Job Without Burning Bridges

A serious man hands envelope to you marked "RESIGNATION" emblazoned with the JSK Recruiting logo.

Giving Notice with a Plan: Resigning from Your Job

Are you thinking about leaving your current job? Before you do, read up on what to consider before leaving your current job.

Did you know the average person will spend 90,000 hours at work over a lifetime? But for some people, that’s too much time spent someplace they’re ready to leave. And about 71 percent of those people are looking for new work. 

If you’re ready to join the ranks and thinking of resigning, keep reading this post. 

How to Plan to Give Notice with Success 

At some point, you’ve started asking yourself “should I quit my job?” And now you’re here. Keep reading to find out what things you should think about before taking the leap and leaving. 

1. Weigh the Pros and Cons 

This step is also called weighing the costs and benefits of leaving your current job. There are specific types of questions to ask yourself in this stage: 

  • Benefit– What do you get from quitting your job?
  • Cost– What kind of things will you let go? Can you do without these? 
  • Cost– Can you afford to wait for another opportunity to arise? 
  • Benefit– Will a new job opportunity make you happy or are you restless? 

As you can see, there are many things to think about before you quit. And it’s not only about the job: you have to think about your motivation, too. Are you leaving because you must? 

2. Plan, plan, and plan 

Once you get the idea in your head, and everything is settled, it’s tempting to resign asap. But, it’s critical that you slow your thoughts a little. Passion is good, but a level-headed approach is better. 

Take some time to plan your exit. Find the job you want before putting in your resignation notice. This is important because you don’t want to be in-between jobs for too long if you can help it. 

Your plan should consist of finance plans, and a timeline that suits you.

3. Research and Update Your Resume 

While you’re thinking things over, there’s no harm in researching options. Take a look around at what’s offered. It could help you make your decision in the long run. 

A great place to find job options is a recruiting site. They’ll have a database that’s full of clients looking for someone like you. You only have to search the job board to find the right fit. 

While looking, you might also get some ideas for a renewed resume. Now is a good time to start refreshing it or make a new one. When you see something, add it to the list. At this point, you’ll also have a better idea if you’re qualified for jobs you like. 

More About Recruiting 

Resigning from a job that offered you so much can be hard. You might feel guilty, or even nervous. But what matters is that you find the job that makes you happy.  Just remember, only give notice, once you have accepted another offer and the background check has cleared.

If you’re looking for a new job, JSK Recruiting is the right place for you. Contact us for more information about available jobs.