Get the Pay You Deserve: 5 Tips for Post-Military Salary Negotiation

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Get the Pay You Deserve: 5 Tips for Post-Military Salary Negotiation

The transitioning from the military to civilian life is an intimidating process for some. Get paid right with these 5 tips for post-military salary negotiation.

It can be very intimidating to transition from the military to a civilian lifestyle. 

And starting your next career and negotiating the best salary could be at the top of your list. We’re here to help! Here are 5 tips for salary negotiation and finally earning the pay that you deserve.

1. Know The Value Of Your Position

Understanding your value is step one to salary negotiation. It’s important for you to know the average rate for your role in your specific industry and in your geographic location. Walking in to negotiate salary without a solid number leaves it up to the hiring manager to determine. 

Do your research online through sites like Glassdoor or Payscale. Get a general consensus of the average pay in your field. Or ask other people in the industry about these numbers to get another perspective.

2. Prepare A “Humble Brag List”

Having a “humble brag†sheet is a great practice for negotiating your salary. Create a one-page summary of what you bring to your position and to the company. List your awards, accomplishments, and co-worker or customer testimonials you’ve received to help illustrate your value to your manager.

You should have a strong resume and be able to back that up with a clear list of your accomplishments!

3. Prove What You Can Do

It’s more important to show what you are capable of than to solely talk about it. If possible, you should print a copy of your humble brag sheet for your manager to review while you summarize your achievements. That way, you can highlight the times you have worked beyond the scope of your role. 

If you want to know what to say when negotiating salary, make a separate list of ideas you have to push the company forward. Proving to your employer how you can add to the company’s success makes a huge difference. Bonus points for ideas that you can accomplish entirely on your own.

4. Keep All Of Your Requests Organized

Have all of your desires and requests organized and ranked in order of importance.

Start with your salary (if that is most important to you) followed by role responsibilities, and then vacation time. Research shows that ranking your requests is a powerful way to create the make your job transition easier.

5. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask Questions

The final key to salary negotiation is by asking the right questions to your boss. Keep them open-ended and about the job’s responsibility, not about the job’s pay. Keep the conversation going by showing how much you are willing to work together.

If you propose a raise and your boss seems taken aback, ask them if this request takes them by surprise and why. Ask what the budget for your position is based on or how you can help move more in the right direction. Having an open dialogue this way shows that you are confident in your request and you know how to negotiate pay.

Be Confident In Your Salary Negotiation

We understand: salary negotiation can be scary. What’s even scarier? Not doing it! Whether you are a man or woman, or this is your first or tenth job, you deserve to negotiate your salary without fear. 

For more support with a job hunting, job recruiting or salary negotiation, check out more on our blog!