How to Know When It’s Time for a Career Transition

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How to Know When It’s Time for a Career Transition

It may be time for a career change if you’re feeling bored and uninspired at work. Keep reading to learn more signs that it’s time for a career transition.

Changing careers can be exciting and scary, yet many people switch jobs many times. In fact, the average person changes their career around 10 to 15 times throughout their lifetime. 

You can change careers for any reason, but it might take some work. A career transition requires several things, including determining what type of job to get.

Are you considering changing jobs but unsure if this is the right move?

Keep reading this guide to learn about the signs indicating it’s time for a career transition.

The Paycheck Is the Only Thing You Like

Do you dread going to work? If so, what causes you to go each day?

Many people go to work simply for the paycheck. If you can relate, this is a sign you shouldn’t ignore. Instead, you might want to start looking for a new job.

While working yields a paycheck, you shouldn’t work for this reason alone. 

You’re Completely Burned Out

It might be time to start job hunting if you feel completely burned out with your job. For example, if you work Monday through Friday, do you feel a horrible, gut-wrenching pain every Sunday night? 

Do you look for excuses to skip work as often as possible? Feeling severe burnout can lead to physical and mental health issues, so you might want to take these feelings seriously.

You could even check out a recruiting service. Companies hire recruiters to find skilled workers for their open positions, and you can find great jobs by using a recruiting firm to help you find a position.

It’s Negatively Affecting Your Life

Leaving your old job to find a new career might be necessary if your job is negatively affecting your life. For example, does your spouse complain about your bad moods caused by work?

Do you find that you feel crabby and miserable all the time? When a job affects your life like this, it’s time to find a new one.

You Feel Depressed 

When your job affects you negatively, it might cause depression. If you’re experiencing signs of depression, you should consider if they occur from your job.

If so, a career change might be the right move. After all, you can alleviate these negative feelings if you change jobs. 

You Want to Feel Valued

Many workers are tired of their jobs because they feel like they’re just a number. In other words, they don’t feel valued or appreciated. 

If you’re experiencing these feelings, changing jobs can help. You can look for a new job with a positive atmosphere for the employees. Working in a better environment can make all the difference in the world. 

Make a Career Transition

Experiencing these signs isn’t uncommon. But instead, many workers experience these signs, often indicating it’s time for a career transition. 

Contact us at JSK Recruiting if you think you’re ready to find a new career in manufacturing. We specialize in helping manufacturing companies find workers and can help you find a new career you’ll enjoy.