Jobs in 2020: 5 Things to Know If You Want a New Job Next Year

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Jobs in 2020: 5 Things to Know If You Want a New Job Next Year

Whether you’re looking to change careers or hoping to secure your first job next year, here’s what you need to know about jobs in 2020.

Are you looking forward to the best careers for 2020 and beyond? You could need a new job that is more financially rewarding and fulfilling. 

There are critical things you should know to secure your dream job next year.

Read on to learn about jobs in 2020 and to be successful with your search.

1. More Job Seekers Will Use Mobile Devices To Find Jobs in 2020

A mobile device plays a critical role in the job-seeking process. Nowadays, most Americans use cell phones and other informational devices such as tablets or laptop computers.

According to statistics, there is 81% of smartphone ownership. With the growing trend and success of mobile technology, more users rely on their devices to find jobs.

Employers are taking advantage of this technology to find potential employees. The hiring process is much more convenient and saves employers time when they are searching for talented candidates to fill available job positions.

As a job seeker, you have the benefit to perform job searches from anywhere and to track your application status using your mobile device. You can even receive job alerts on your mobile device to improve your chances of finding a job.

2. Improve Your Resume

When you’re on the hunt for hot careers in 2020, you need to make sure that your resume stands out. Since you’re competing against other job candidates, it is necessary to update your resume with relevant information.

You also need to improve the formatting of your resume so that it looks professional and impresses a recruiter. There are various online resources you can use to craft the perfect document.

3. Social Intelligence

Social intelligence is an important skill to have when you’re searching for jobs. This is a skill that most recruiters assess to find a quality employee. If you’re a social butterfly, it is easier for you to find your ideal job and to achieve your goals. 

Strong social skills help you to manage the challenges you face at work and give you the ability to build stronger relationships with your coworkers.

4. Use Social Networks to Find Jobs In Demand

Popular social networks provide information about jobs in demand. Some of these social platforms are Linkedin, Twitter, and Facebook. Social media has become an essential tool for job candidates to discover new jobs and to connect with recruiters.

Most companies are now using social media to hire people, so you should have a professional profile on these sites. You can add your resume, a professional image, and mention that you’re looking for a job in your profile description.

5. Build a Job Search Network

Networking is a crucial aspect of your job search. Building connections offline and online is a powerful strategy that can lead you to a great job. Use this strategy to be aware of upcoming jobs and to keep track of your professional contacts. 

Increase Your Chances to Land the Perfect Job

Finding new jobs in 2020 is exciting, but you also need to determine the jobs that are most suitable for you. You can learn about the fastest-growing jobs and finding one that you love.

If you enjoyed reading this article and want help with job searches, contact our website for more information.